Achieving engaging and effective employee training with e-learning

Employee training – there are few companies that doubt its necessity and effectiveness on morale and business results. Yet organizing courses for employees and making sure they bring value still causes a lot of pain in HR departments worldwide. By bringing e-learning services into the mix, you can forget worrying about the form and get effective courses for your team on time.

The need for continuous training

Providing continuous training to your employees boosts morale, productivity and engagement all around. The team feels more motivated to perform and the improved skillset brings about better  results for the company. Thus, there is little surprise companies are paying more and more attention to providing their employees with professional training opportunities.

However, in doing so they often bite on more than they can chew and end up facing trouble in trying to develop custom trainings all on their own. While there is no doubt the company has the most knowledge on what each training should include, they often have considerably lessexperience in making these trainings a reality.

Creating an informative and engaging course requires experience and effort. This means companies often either spend a lot of time and effort in creating the training or end up with a mediocre training that fails to create real value for their team.

Taking advantage of e-learning solutions

The good news is, professional e-learning services were created to help out in situations just like this. Allowing you to focus on setting the objective and gathering the required information while the rest is done for you!

With the help of the latest technologies e-learning has become a great option for many companies. With the help of data visualization, audio and video formats as well as gamification elements it helps make employee training more engaging than ever before, meaning your employees will actually perceive information better. And even something as dull as fire drill instructions can now become fun.

There are various benefits in choosing e-learning, one of which is flexibility. It is up to each individual team member to decide when they can take time and complete a new course. This is boosting their engagement and completion rate.

Talking from the business side, According to the Tech Jury e-learning efforts improve the retention rate in companies by 25-60% and performance by 15-25%. And for those wondering if it is really worth the money, statistics published by E-learning industry say that for every euro spent on e-learning, companies make back 25 euros in productivity. Which means this is not only beneficial to your team, but it is actually a business investment that pays off. Lastly, corporate e-learning takes 40% to 60% less time to complete when compared to traditional learning efforts.

E-learning solutions applied

All of this sounds good in theory, but surely you are wondering how can e-learning solutions be applied in real life?

In a company like Wiseon the process usually work like this – you reach out for an e-learning solution, provide the objective and information needed and then we develop an engaging and effective course for your team. Moreover, having a lot of experience in the field, we deliver this new course fast. So, you can get the trainings you need when you need them.

Here are a few examples of the e-learning courses created by Wiseon.

Simplifying onboarding

In the first case we’d like to present, we were asked to help a client digitalize and visualize an onboarding course for managers.

The company had a need to unify the onboarding process and train their managers in welcoming new employees. Thus, they crystalized the important information, laid out the material for the training and then reached out to us to come up with an engaging onboarding e-learning course.

After analyzing the information provided by the clients, we found the best way to relay the information to the company managers and delivered a training course to train them for the new process. The best part is, our clients got the course they wanted without having to step out of their comfort zone – they provided the information and Wiseon did the rest.

And if improved onboarding speed was not enough, our client has later adopted the same course at a sister company proving its value to the company.

Skill improvement

Our clients at a differentt company used e-learning solutions to reach another goal – competency improvement.

The company wanted to help their employees understand the importance of competency building and give them the tools to start improving. To help them in this quest, we came up with a three-part plan.

First, we have developed an online tool for competency building. This was done by digitizing globally acknowledged competency framework to make it more accessible to employees across all departments and all levels of seniority.

Next, to encourage the employees start using the tool, we have prepared an e-learning course called Introduction to competences. Which was aimed at educating employees on what competences are, why they are important and where they can be used. Meaning they were now more aware of why the new tool was developed and how they can use it to their advantage.

Lastly, we focused on the way forward and thus created a second e-learning course – Competency development plan. It was aimed at giving employees an understanding of the next steps they should be taking. It included creating a personal competency growth plan by answering certain questions about goals and guidance on which competencies should be chosen for development. At the end of the two courses, each employee would already have a development plan for themselves, allowing them to start effectively develop their competencies.

Our clients have taken advantage of e-learning services in two ways. First, they created an online competency building tool for their employees to use. And then they developed courses on why it is important to build competencies and how to do it. Enabling their employees to have full access to self-improvement measure and a plan on how to use it for themselves.

Find more examples of our e-learning solutions.


When talking about employee training, most tend to think about onboarding new hires. However, employee training does not end there and in fact should be a continuous effort that each team member gets to take part in.

Investing into your teams’ training will result in boosted motivation, employee engagement and better business results. With new technologies and latest trends in e-learning, such trainings are now more engaging than ever and the best part is we can prepare them for you!

Want to see e-learning solutions for your company? Get in touch and we will consult you on the best way to use e-learning for your needs!